
What smada means
What smada means

  • 2004, Alan Hollinghurst, The Line of Beauty, New York: Bloomsbury, Chapter 12, p. 323, Wet leaves smeared the pavement.
  • 1982, Anne Tyler, Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant, New York: Knopf, 1989, Chapter 6, p. 168, a rust spot smearing the back of the sink.
  • 1897, Bram Stoker, Dracula, New York: Grosset & Dunlap, Chapter 21, p. 263, a pallor which was accentuated by the blood which smeared her lips and cheeks and chin.
  • ) To make a surface dirty by covering it.
  • 2016, Ali Smith, Autumn, Penguin, 2017, Chapter 2, His hands and forearms, his face, his good shirt and suit are smeared from the dustbins and climbing the fence,.
  • 1855, Elizabeth Gaskill, North and South, London: Chapman and Hall, Volume 2, Chapter 11, p. 147, she returned, carrying Johnnie, his face all smeared with eating,.
  • John Calvin upon the Fifth Book of Moses called Deuteronomie, London: George Bishop, Sermon 41, p. 246, A man may bee smeared or grimed, and euerie man shall laugh at him, and yet he himselfe shall not perceiue it a whit.
  • 1583, Arthur Golding (translator), The Sermons of M.
  • ( transitive ) To make something dirty.
  • 1964, Christopher Isherwood, A Single Man, London: Vintage, 2010, p. 53, it’s better if we admit to disliking and hating them, than if we try to smear our feelings over with pseudo-liberal sentimentality.
  • 1667, John Milton, Paradise Lost, Book 10, lines 725-727, a Vessel of huge bulk, Measur’d by Cubit, length, & breadth, and highth, Smeard round with Pitch,.
  • 1605, William Shakespeare, Macbeth, Act II, Scene 2, Why did you bring these daggers from the place? They must lie there: go carry them and smear The sleepy grooms with blood. Synonyms: bedaub, coat, cover, daub, layer, plaster She smeared her lips with lipstick.
  • ( transitive ) To cover (a surface with a layer of some substance) by rubbing.
  • 2019, Ocean Vuong, On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous, New York: Penguin, Then you would kneel and smear a handful of pomade through my hair, comb it over.
  • Newbery, Chapter 5, p. 74, In general, all bodies whose surfaces are even will stick to each other, and if a liquid be smeared over either surface, their cohesion will be still the stronger.
  • 1776, Oliver Goldsmith, A Survey of Experimental Philosophy, London: T.
  • Synonyms: apply, daub, plaster, spread The artist smeared paint over the canvas in broad strokes.
  • ( transitive ) To spread (a substance, especially one that colours or is dirty) across a surface by rubbing.
  • Smear ( third-person singular simple present smears, present participle smearing, simple past and past participle smeared)
  • ( Received Pronunciation ) enPR: smî, IPA (key): /sm?/.
  • Cognate with Saterland Frisian smeere, Dutch smeren, Low German smeren, German schmieren. From Middle English smeren, smerien, from Old English smerian, smyrian, smierwan ( “ to anoint or rub with grease, oil, etc.

    What smada means